ATmega8a gets hot on 5v!

I am using an ATmega8a for a project. It is power by a 5.2v power supply. I have only connected a speaker to generate white noise on it but the IC gets hot after sometime. I want to run it for almost 12 hours for sleeping aid. But I think that it will get destroyed till 12hrs. Please help. The operating voltage of ATmega8a is 5.5v

Schematics would be usefull.
Isn't 5.0 volt the nominal voltage. 5.5 is likely absolut maximum voltage.

Please show us how you are driving the speaker and its associated components?
What impedance/resistance is the speaker?

Do you have a DMM?

Thanks.. Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

8 ohm speaker?

Yes, i am driving the speaker without a resistor. I forgot to add on on the perfboard, thanks that could be causing the problem

Most likely, the ATmega8 has been destroyed, so start fresh! They are cheap.

I think the chip is damaged.

Does it get hot without speaker?
Or can it still do a blink sketch.
You might be lucky.

Have you Googled:

ATmega8 speaker

There are quite a number of projects that show you how to use a speaker with that controller.

Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

It doesn't get hot without the speaker

What are the additional components that you're using? Any resistor,capacitor etc.?

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