Can i use that as an ARDUINO when programming a bootloader or so ?
Looking to your board there is a ISP header.This is all you need to program the board.You could burn the bootloader on it but in my opinion it will be total unnecessary.Burning the bootloader on it will then require some FTDI232RL interface and parts do provoke the reset when you try to send a new program.
If you don't have an external ISP programmer buy one on ebay. They are very cheap (about 3 € you get one)
In arduino IDE all you need is confirm the target CPU and upload programs using File->Upload Using External Programmer
In the photo I can't see very well what is the atmega chip
I have as USBASP interface with which i coded the ATMEL boards
Great then you have all you need to program it
Try upload the Blink sketch on it.
I notice your board has a cristal of 8MHz.This means you may need to change inside boards.txt that.Also see if you dont get a signature warning when try to program it( it may will stop you upload because chip signature,- easy to fix )
I tried uploading before i asked here
But i dont know what i have to set in the Tools-Section of the IDE (Board and Port and Programmer)
avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. please check for usbasp firmware update.
avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA328P is 1E 95 0F
Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.
is the error code when i use Uploading with Programmer )Setting USBASP in Tools) and Board set to MEGA (2560 or 1280) or...
Nice device - but i don't want to buy something new (i have several MEGAs laying around here) but using the shown ATMEL board.
As HugoPT says, its possible and i am a bit further then at the last post - but still the same error occurs.
Next time I'll try to explain it better. (Oder auf Deutsch) There a link for the core files, you can download and copy the files to your hardware folder. Next time you start the IDE, there will be an entry for the Mega128, called Crumbuino or something like that.
Aahhh, soory for the missunderstanding (2 germans in english 8))
I will have a look again - i did already 'cause i mentioned something like that and downloaded the chip45....-zip already, but didnt really know what exactly to do.
NOW i will have a closer look to that (some install.txt would be there) 'cause it seems i got the right file and will come back with some results ( i hope)
i inserted the new folders and files from the zip to the AVR directory in the IDE-path.
After starting up some Crumbuinos appears in addition.
So i choosed the one with Atmega128 and startet uopload with programmer (still USBASP is still set) and....the same error (as written in the previous post) appears:
I don't have such an Atmega128-board, but I tested the core files in the Arduino IDE 1.0.5. It seems to be working, as far I can say. I tried to verify an example sketch and there was no error. Maybe thats a problem with the 1.5.4 beta version.
Are there enhanced hints, when you activate the "verbose output" in the preferences?
You said your board runs at 8 MHz.
Consider changing the line above to:*
I just have placed an order for an ATMEGA128 and I'll get it in a couple of weeks.
I'll let you all know what are the results if there is anyone interested in.