Atmel Studio 6 / JTAGICE 3 / Debugging Tools


Attached you will find a technical note on "Debugging an Arduino UNO Sketch using the Atmel Studio 6 IDE and a JTAGICE3".

Please post a reply if you enjoyed it!


( again, i tried posting the pdf, but it never worked...)

Hi Collin,

Well done, very good layout, I don't have a jtagice to test it with, but I am happy you did not give up conveying the information to the community.

Psst...(whisper off stage).... It is a community and sometimes answers seem a bit, hmm, not as good as you expect, you did well, persevered and took advice rather than get upset(not like me), well done and good luck.


Collin, that worked great, thanks. Sorry again for thinking it was spam. Sometimes the only exercise we get here is jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle :blush:

Was there a second paper as well?

That file might be of interest, can it be reposted?

I didn't read the article, but...
No JTAG on '328P chips, need '1284P and '2560 for that.

Error 404...
The file you're looking for has been moved or deleted.


PDF was lost
Any way to recover it?

I'm very interesting on using jtagice3 with aaduino

me too, can you give us a link or a good tutorial of how to do this! THANKS!

I have lived through getting JTAGICE to work with an UNO- uploading and debugging over debugWIRE.
I'm almost done my blog writeup. Let me know if you want this info.
Its just the debugging part- you have to have already got your build working in AS.
Either using the visual micro arduino helpers or straight AVR I think.
I'm currently not using the visual micro system, but I did use it in the past.
Maybe again soon too, so I might revisit that.
But the build is a whole other deal that I have not written up; there are lots of other web blogs on
that already. JTAGICE is not hard to get working but not straightforward either.
Uploading via debug wire is nice, fast, and easier to setup than AVRDUDE external program "to boot".

Yes I want this info very much. Please shear.
I am also looking for a good AS configuration tutorial. If you have something?

And finally if you have some information about the setup between jtagice and arduino ide..that would be most welcome. It's difficult to find good info about how to do this...