I have two questions :
Please , i need to discover the nodes in a mesh toplogy to elect the most eligible routers.
So one of the soutions is to use the ATND command , but here i need first to know the range given by this command.
I meand when a coordinator do an ATND command , and i'm working with a small topology (not a big distance between node) ,so will he get all the nodes or there is a specific range to its discovery?
2/ When i'll implement a localization solution , have i acces to MAC layer of XBBE for inserting the positions and distances resolved??
Else wher can i add these new informations?
According to my work , i should justify why i've chosen those xbee nodes as routers in my MESH topology.
You need to justify why you have chosen for the nodes at those physical locations to be routers vs. coordinators or end devices? Or you need to justify why you are sending data from one node to another? Please clarify what you are doing.
The reason, in my mind, for having chosen XBees is that THEY handle the routing of messages, so that you don't have to. If you want to control the routing, XBees weren't the right choice.
yeah i need to just justify why i choose the node as a coordinator , end device or router in a given mesh network. i implemented a simple algorithm using ATND , the coodrinator will discover the nodes in its range and then routers will be selected (or elected) to make a mesh topology where coordinatrs communicate with end devices using those routers .
yeah i need to just justify why i choose the node as a coordinator , end device or router in a given mesh network.
So, you need to explain why you choose a hat for the head, a shoe for the foot, and a glove for the hand. To do that, you need to understand how the brain sends instructions to the hand to have goodbye, while the person is standing on one foot.
I'm sorry but yeah you are. 8)
And i was asking about the range of ATND command to develop my idea.
So the question is about the ATND not for what it's useful for me