Hello, A friend of mine gave me a board he found online he got but could not get it to program. I'm looking into trying to find a way to programm it. I searched online but everything I found so far is people trying to port over from the SAMD21g18A to this one with no luck and topic are closed from a few years back.
I was wondering If anyone has got this processor to work and what you use to make it work? I'm curious if I can make this processor work or not.
The pinout Looks the same. Looks like a Drop and drag replacement hardware. As far for programming it is total Different. Both are 128k programming sketch. That is all I can tell so far.
I have a SAMD21G17D board - it's from the Microchip Curiosity Nano series - part no DM320119.
I found a website - Mattairtech.com - that now seems to be abandoned. You can find them on the wayback machine here. You may need to jump around the various snapshots to drill into something useful as I recall the original website search functionality didn't work on the wayback machine.
There is still a github page that has their software. Have a look at the ArduinoCore-samd repository. I can't recall if it supports to SAMD21G17D. But I intend to have a look myself to see if I can use this Curiosity Nano board for Arduino.
Reading through their repository, I did figure out how to modify a bootloader but from memory I had to use Atmel Studio to program in the bootloader as it knew about the on-board nEDBG programmer.
If you've not already found it, then this forum page may hold some more clues:
hey Juraj. I have been looking over that of yours from another post. A little confusing on what I need to change to match this one to add processor in the boards as well as the variants. Not sure at this point I can do that. I hope in the Future I can figure it out. It be neat to use this processor, Thank you.
Your SAMD21G17D is an x21g cpu, and the package does support the SAMD21G17A processor. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between the A and D variants (data sheet says D = Silicon Revision G with RWWEE Support in 128KB memory options), but it's likely to be quite small and probably irrelevant to most of the Arduino environment, so I'd start with that.
It should act very similarly to the SAM21G18A used in many Arduino-compatible boards, but with only half of the RAM and Flash memory.
You'll still need some sort of device programmer to do the initial programming of the bootloader and etc.
Hey West man i'm sorry I forgot in some board managers when you select one board there is another area you can select the which board follows under that follows by which version of that board.
I'm guessing I need to use the SamD21G17A Because there is no D version in there?
Yep. that would be my guess. You might need a slight change in placesto change the "17A" to 17D" (in boards.txt), but that should be relative easy compared to starting from scratch.
thank you West man. I will try it in a couple of days my wife just getting home from being out of town and that means no playing with my toys for a couple of days aleast lol
download my_boards. I have a M0 with Zero bootloader there (swaps pin 2 and 4) and you can add your new SAMD board there too. into boards.txt and into variants.
Hey Juraj, That is the one problem I have. I have no clue how to do any of that to the boards area or Variants. Last time I tried I screwed up one board I had and now it no longer works. Also I had to reinstall the SamD board area.