Hi all,
I've been trying to get a board working with Arduino that uses an ATSAMD51G18A chip. I thought the Adafruit Metro M4 was basically equivalent, so I started working with that. However, once I upload a sketch, it appears that the microcontroller locks up or is otherwise not working. Once I double tap the reset button, I'm back in bootloader mode and I can try again.
The bootloader is the standard bootloader that I compiled with the ATSAMD51G18A chip rather than the ATSAMD51J19A chip like on the Metro M4 board. I was really hoping it was just a bootloader issue, but using mine or the stock Metro M4 bootloader seems to produce the same results.
My (limited) understanding was that these ARM chips were basically pin compatible, so besides missing some pins and some flash, everything should work. Does anybody have a deeper understanding than me that can help point me in the right direction? Would deleting all the extra pins help at all?
I appreciate any light you can shed.