Attaching an RTC to a PCB

I am working to move my breadboarded project to a more secure soldered printed circuit board. I am new at this so there may be a stock solution that I am unaware of. I am using an Adafruit RTC DS3231 with a back up battery. The battery is on the bottom of the board. How do I solder this in place and still allow access to change the battery? I realize the battery is good for 5-10 years never the less I would like to put things together so I can easily change it in 10 years. Thanks dtb

Just solder the leads from where the battery was to a convenient place, preferably to a socket so you can change it without soldering it.

It is generally bad practice to solder direct to a battery case.

I would advise you look at building stuff on strip board, rather than make your own PCB.

Lay out the entire circuit on your PCB instead. Reference design is available from Dallas Semi.

Thanks for the replys, will look at adding a socket for the battery, I knew that I shouldn't be soldering to the battery but the socket should work. I am using a generic pcb, it looks just like a bread board but with thru holes meant to be soldered. I was hoping that there existed a 90 deg. widget of some sort that would allow me to stand the RTC upright allowing easy access to the battery. Thanks for you help. dtb

There are right angle header pins. I've used those to attach a module to a proto board vertically.

Mount the RTC board on 0.1" pins with the battery on top.

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