Hi, I'm chris from a small company called blakesnake systems ( check out blacksnakesystems.com ). I saw on your profile that you are available for hire to write software i was wondering how much it would cost for you to add Capsense ( with alternate swicthing ) and to fix the problem you replied to today ?
Do you take PayPal ?
... I saw on your profile that you are available for hire to write software i was wondering how much it would cost for you to ...
Hey Crossroads, I need some fencing to keep the deer away from my flowers. Can you take care of that?
Seriously - in the member profile there is a link to 'send this member a personal message'. That would be a more appropriate way to deal with both of these queries.
Ha, you'd be surprised at the number of calls we get ask what Olympic style fencing looks like, and do we offer other kinds!
Australia eh! Going international...