ATTINY 85 analog motor driver using pot and pwm to a lm317 controling a lm2596

i wanted to share this code with you and the circuit
the code is working . but im not vary good soo it could use some clean up and you may have to tweak it to you application but im happy with the results

im using a joy stick 2 axis each one will need 3 to 2 relays and a driver built for each pot used in less some one can do this better and come up with a code that runs 2 pots at once

components im using

LM317t as to replace the variable resistor controlling the out put of a LM2596s using pwm from the arduino

one dc 12 volt motor from a hp printer

14 volt power supply

with this i can use my 2axis pot style joy stick to smoothly move my robotic self made arm around and control the dominant position and the acceleration of the motor with pwm increasing to make the LM2596s regulator incress voltage with the more pressure applied to the joy stick

const int analogPin = A0; // joy stick pot #1
const int derictPin = A1;//optianal pwm adjustment pot
// pin that the sensor is attached to
const int ledPin = 50;       // pin that the LED is attached to has derction of dc motor relay
const int threshold = 600;   // an arbitrary threshold level that's in the range of the analog input
int toggle = 40; // motor  on / off
void setup() {

  // initialize the LED pin as an output:
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(toggle, OUTPUT);

  // initialize serial communications:

void loop() {
  // read the value of the potentiometer:
  int analogValue = analogRead(analogPin);

  // if the analog value is high enough, turn on the LED:
  if (analogValue < 405) {

    int analogValue = analogRead(A0);//read current pot pos
    analogValue = map(analogRead(A0), 440, 0, 255, 0);//map it to pwm

    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);//relay fwd derction
    analogWrite(12,analogValue/4-60); // pwm LM chip to set Volt level
    digitalWrite(toggle, HIGH);// close loop to power supply to actavate motor at  cureent pwm set
    // print to serial for adjusting and debugging

  else if (analogValue > 505)

    int analogValue = analogRead(analogPin);// read A0 pot
    analogValue = map(analogRead(A0), 450, 1023, 255, 0); //map it to pwm
    analogWrite(12,analogValue/4-60); //write pwm to LM317 again
    digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); // led pin toggles revers polarity of dc motor relay for now this is my rev derction
    digitalWrite(toggle, HIGH);//close loop to acavaite power to motor at pwm set
    // print to serial for adjusting and debugging


    // print the analog value:

    analogRead(analogPin);  //read curent pot pos
    int analogValue = analogRead(analogPin);
    analogValue = map(analogRead(A0), 431, 449, -1, 1);// pot resting at home postion  make pwm 0
    analogRead(analogPin);  // print to serial for adjusting and debugging
    digitalWrite(toggle,LOW);// when pot is at home  postion this kills the relay to the power supply to elemanate back feed and curcit load and save on energy
    // print the analog value:
    analogRead(derictPin); //optianal pwm adjustment pot
    Serial.println(derictPin);  // print to serial for adjusting and debugging



im using it on my atmega right now im hoping to fit it on a attiny85 and make a all in one driver out of it use-in proto board and 3 relays and 2 LM chips will cut me down to a driver with only 7 wires 2 in 2 out and 3 pot wires .... :slight_smile:

i will post a photo of my hand drawn diagram its nothing fancey but gives you an idea of how it works if need i thing this will work well with my robotic arm for controling useing some cheap $2 pots. and dc motors for more precision an encoder could be added ...

does any one know if this code will fit on the attiny 85 size wize ...? that would be ideal i have it drawn up to make a duel driver out of a 2 x4 proto board but not so sure of what the attiny can handel.?