ATTiny 85 chip - i2C - not working, with ATTiny85 Digispark PCB works

HI all -

Thanks in advance for your time to read and help resolve this for me.

We have been using digispark ATTiny85 PCB, we are able to integrate other peripherals on i2C, but when we try to do it with just the chip ATTiny85 not able to communicate on i2C, do not know where we are erring.

Pl help resolve the issue.


Do you have the required pullups on the SCL and SDA lines? Maybe the digispark has them on the board?

It always helps if you include a schematic and the code with your question.

Thanks, I've not used pullup for SCL and SDA, shall try and let know if issue is resolved

Tried by using pullup for SCL and SDA - things haven't changed

It always helps if you include a schematic and the code with your question.

Was that too subtle? Post your code, post a schematic. Which core are you using? Without those items, we can't be of much help.

Which core are you using?