I read how to program an ATtiny 85 with your Arduino, and thought that it was a good idea to use a Tiny for my project, PICandle (Or I guess AVRCandle). So I went looking for AVR Atiny85's and I have no clue where to buy them. I checked out Mouser.com, but they don't tell you shipping, and their estimated shipping costs are pretty outrageous for just 5 AVRs. So, are there any good sites that sell AVR microcontrollers on the cheap with good shipping costs?
I'm getting ready to order a few from Newark ? Element 14 I hear that they ship quickly. I have not actually placed an order from them or calculated shipping cost though so I can't help you on that front. I see that DigiKey has them for a fairly good price. I got a couple in a group buy through TechShop RDU (NC) from SparkFun.
So there's lots of places to order from, but there may be minimum's. Without knowing your location it's a little tough to nail down a supplier for you.