Attiny SPI and MIrf

Hi, its my first post on this page, im just learning about arduino and i got few questions about a project what im doing.

I got working an atmega328 whit nrf24l01 module.

Now i want to make it more tiny and i was thinking in use an attiny44, but i got a question, can i use the same code and use it on an attiny? i mean if the SPI and MIRF library will work on an attiny44


Now i want to make it more tiny and i was thinking in use an attiny44, but i got a question, can i use the same code and use it on an attiny? i mean if the SPI and MIRF library will work on an attiny44

No. The code requires modification. ATtiny processors have different hardware for SPI communications than ATmega processors. The Arduino SPI library is written specifically for ATmega processors.

However, I believe there are Arduino folks who have gotten the nRF24L01 working with ATtiny processors. I think bHogan used an ATtiny processor for this project...

OK, so basicly i need a SPI library for ATtiny. Ill try to find one on internet.

Thanks Coding Badly.

I just checked the firmware of nordic fob from spark forum. they used an attiny24 + nrf24l01, but my knowledge of assembler its very poor. ill try to modify it to take away the sleep function and only trnasmit my data.