Attiny2313 2 Button RGB Fader compile problems

hello evryone ,
im new to mcu s expected about coding !
some years ago i made a rgd lamp with an attiny 2313 and i had no problems to compile the code which was given with the project!
last week i found a couple of attinys2313 an i wanted to use them in some rgb lamps ect!

i cant compile the code like back in the days!

hope u could help me to compile the code so that i can make a hex file !

the first error ist the excpected " before ) token

#define F_CPU 9600000UL

// handles falling edge of PWM on each LED
void abc(unsigned char a,unsigned char b,unsigned char c,unsigned char status);

unsigned char e; // software PWM clock
unsigned char pwm[3] = {255,255,255}; // current PWM widths
unsigned char to[3] = {255,255,255}; // target PWM widths

// main
int main(void) {

// outputs PORTB4, PORTB3, PORTB0
DDRB = 0b00011001;
// outputs on and pullup on PORTB1
// if driving the LED's anode, LEDs will be on
PORTB = 0b00011011;

// disable analog comparator
ACSR = (1<<ACD);
// enable INT0 interrupt (on low level, the default)
GIMSK = (1<<INT0);

// TIMER0 normal mode, prescaler 1, overflow interrupt enabled
// (will fire every 256 CPU cycles)
TCCR0A = 0x00;
TCCR0B = (1<<CS00);
TIMSK = (1<<TOIE0);

// enable interrupts

// forever
// move actual PWM widths towards target widths
if (pwm[0])to[0]) pwm[0]--;
if (pwm[1])to[1]) pwm[1]--;
if (pwm[2])to[2]) pwm[2]--;
// once old targets reached
if(pwm[0]==to[0]&&pwm[1]==to[1]&&pwm[2]==to[2]) {
// select new random target PWM widths for all LEDs
// control speed of fading
} // forever

} // main

// software PWM
// frequency = F_CPU / 256 / 255
// = 96000000 / 256 / 255
// = 147.058823529 Hz
ISR(TIM0_OVF_vect) {
// imposes on 'e' a range of 0-254
if(e==255) {
// skip 255, wrap around to 0
// start PWM cycle over by turning on all LEDs (if driving anode)
PORTB |= 0b00011001;
// turn off LEDs if their current width matches 'e' (if driving anode)
// NOTE: calling a function from within an ISR can incurr a large cycle
// penalty in the prologue and epilogue. since this ISR is called every
// 256 cycles, this can eat up available CPU rapidly. declaring called
// functions with the 'always_inline' attribute can help
// advance the software PWM clock

// handles falling edge of PWM on each LED
// clears each LED's ('a', 'b', or 'c') port bit on a match with 'status'
void abc(unsigned char a,unsigned char b,unsigned char c,unsigned char status) {
if((status==a)) PORTB&= ~(1<<3);
if((status==b)) PORTB&= ~(1<<4);
if((status==c)) PORTB&= ~(1<<0);

// button interrupt
ISR(INT0_vect) {
// turn on all LEDs (if driving anode)
PORTB |= 0b00011001;
// power down mode
/* mcu will sleep at this point forever, or until a reset */
// disable sleep mode

thank you already for your help

You forgot the code tags!

This is not an Arduino project. How do you compile it? Which ATtiny core do you use?

i cant compile the code like back in the days!

That code never would have compiled.

When you encounter an error you'll see a button on the right side of the orange bar "Copy error messages". Click that button. Paste the error in a message here USING CODE TAGS (</> button on the toolbar).

This is not an Arduino project. How do you compile it?

After the bugs are fixed, you can compile that code in the Arduino IDE. We're not used to seeing a main() in sketches but you are welcome to use it instead of setup() and loop() if you like. When you define main() in the sketch, it overrides the main() definition in the Arduino core library's main.cpp and this means init() will not be called. That's nice for someone who wants more low level control or to reduce memory usage. But for the average Arduino user it will only cause a lot of unnecessary complication.

We're not used to seeing a main() in sketches but you are welcome to use it instead of setup() and loop() if you like. When you define main() in the sketch, it overrides the main() definition in the Arduino core library's main.cpp and this means init() will not be called.

I know that but just because the Arduino IDE can compile the code it doesn't get an Arduino project. The typical Arduino project does make use of the Arduino framework and doesn't circumvent it in every possible way. That might be just my opinion but I don't think we have to make general Atmel support here.

If this was posted to Arduino Stack Exchange I would definitely vote to close it as off-topic. But I would do the same for 90% of the programming questions posted here. The fact that they didn't use setup() and loop() is irrelevant to the issue. This is simply a failure to write valid C++. There is nothing Arduino-specific about this but there is nothing Arduino-specific about most of the programming questions on this forum that are happily answered every day.

I do sometimes think that people would be more likely to get help if they had posted elsewhere. The 3D printer questions being the most common example. In this case, I think it will make no difference where they post since it's about some very basic errors that anyone with the most minimal knowledge of C++ or C could answer.

If OP used code tags, we would find crap like this:

    if (pwm[0])to[0]) pwm[0]--;
    if (pwm[1])to[1]) pwm[1]--;
    if (pwm[2])to[2]) pwm[2]--;

much faster.