i am using ATtiny44 interrupt for the first time and it is not working properly i have 3 led each connected to a seperate attiny IC controlled by NRF24lo1 module, the thing is when i coded it using arduino it worked perfectly but now that i transferred my code to attiny it isnt working anymore nothing seems to be synced. i am using falling edge interrupts
I read online that we cannot write falling or rising of attiny code
they are suggesting to write code like this
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), blink, CHANGE);
but i am getting error:
'digitalPinToInterrupt' was not declared in this scope
I've not seen many use cases where the interrupt pin on the NRF24L01 is actually used. What are you doing and have you already got its basic radio functions to work together with the ATtiny44 ?
i want my three led to be perfectly synced turn on/off at same time because it is basically going to be used for signboard so we need each sign board leds to be synced perfectly
Another issue is when i power my NRF24lo1 module and ATtiny with arduino board it works perfectly but the moment i shift to power converter 5v to 3.3 (nrf24lo1 supports 3.3v) the whole system halts. Is there anybody else facing similar power issues??