ATTiny85/Digispark why P5 is always 4.7V?

Digispark should have all five pins available for GPIO. But someow P5 is always high for me and shows 4.7V on multimeter, even if I set pinMode(5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(5, LOW); Moreover, if I measure P5 to the ground, P3 (or P2) temporary becomes high as well. So is P5 really available or not?

I suspect your P5 is still configured as the reset pin and the RSTDISBL bit is a logic 1.
Putting your multimeter between PB5 and GND, may pull PB5 low, causing a reset.

You can try by bridging PB5 to GND via a resistor and then observe if it resets.

Thank you @hmeijdam , how should I change the P5 role to make it a general-purpose pin?

You need an ISP programmer for that like a USBASP dongle.
And then you can check the value of the fuses with a program like avrdudess
Word of warning, you can make your T85 inaccessible if you set fuses wrong, and then would need a 12volt HV programmer to set it back to it defaults. Especially after changing RSTDISBL is set to "0" even your USBASP programmer cannot program it anymore.


Be aware that after changing P5 you can't upload software to your Digispark with usual way. You will need a speciav HV programmer

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