ATtiny85- I2C while delay()


is it possible to receive characters by I2C while a delay() function is running on an ATtiny85?

Greetz Chris

I2C is a master/slave system, your question doesn't make sense. If the device is the slave, handling of incoming data is performed in the ISR, which will run during delay like any interrupt (unless you disabled interrupts before going into delay - which would break delay anyway). If the device is a master, it has to initiate the communication and request the data, so it won't ever be in delay() while data is coming in.

In my case the ATtiny would/should be a slave.

Greetz Chris

If the device is the slave, handling of incoming data is performed in the ISR, which will run during delay like any interrupt.

No, you are not right. The ATtiny85 needs a specific library for talking i2c. This library does not wolk properly while delays.

Grettz Chris