Attiny85 IR Controlled LED light stick

Recently i Watched a video that Japanese was dancing with glowing stick (Link: 【君の名は。】夢灯籠 / RADWIMPS ヲタ芸で表現してみた【北の打ち師達 × JKz】Dream lantern Light Dance - YouTube ). i Thought it would be fun if i could make a RGB LED stick with IR controlled that is color changable. Parts that i planned to use:

1x Attiny85 mircrocontroller
4x AAA battery (6v)
1x 5v regulator (supply for Attiny)
1x 60cm 5050 RGB LED strips (use about 2A current)
3x transistor(not sure which to use)
1x IR receiver
1x TV IR controller

Anyone have any idea on this ? I am a complete newbie to arduino. Please provide a full tutorial with Arduino Code, Scematics and stuff...Thanks a lot

Please provide a full tutorial with Arduino Code, Scematics and stuff.

Sorry I think you have got the wrong idea about this forum.

We are here to help you with your project and more importantly help you learn. What we do not do is write code to order or create tutorials for you.

If you want to have people do stuff for you then post in the Gigs and calibration section and say how much you are willing to pay.

Sorry i think i shouln't ask it in that way. Actually i have created a schmeatics of my own. But the things i don't know is too much, i don't know where should i start to ask. I think i'll post another quetions ltr.

OK that is fine. Post your schematic and ask for comments. Post your code and ask what you are stuck on. No need to start a new thread just post here. Don't change your origional post and read the how to use this forum sticky post.