Hello all,
I'm wondering if anyone can point me to any online books for projects with the Attiny85 - programming within the Arduino IDE? I would especially be interested in any materials on advanced or robotic projects.
Sincere thanks!
The best book is a google
Advanced robotic projects with 5 input/output pins?
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The datasheet... 500 pages... that makes 100 pages per pin! : )
This guy has a handful of starter projects:
Build or buy a programmer:
A tiny wx station:
A midi synth:
A theremin:
A musical card:
... and the rest of the internet...
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Thank you very much!
I'll look at these :-]
Check if the attaced file can be of your help.
Ch-19 ATtiny85 MCULec.pdf (364.6 KB)
Thank you kindly!
I'll check this out also :-]
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