ATtiny85 programming problem

When using the attached code with my Arduino Uno, the code works as expected I can look at the IR LED through camera and see it pulsing, but when i try to use the same code with an attiny85 with my IRLED connected to Pin 1 as stated in the documentation, there is no pulsating. When i look at the LED through a camera it is just continuously lit, with no pulsing. Could someone please help me to figure this out.

// IR Transmitter ...
#include <IRremote.h>
int probePin = 4;
int ledPin = 2;
IRsend irsend;

void setup()
  pinMode(probePin, INPUT); // Probe Switch
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //Blue LED

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(probePin) == LOW)
    digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
    //irsend.sendNEC(REPEAT, 32);
    irsend.sendNEC(0xFFE01F, 32);
    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

try to use the same code with an attiny85 with my IRLED connected to Pin 1

should "probePin" be "1" on the attiny?

Sorry when i said Pin 1 I meant probe pin 1. Which would actually be Pin 6 on the attiny85.

so .... should "probePin" be "6" on the attiny, instead of 4?

Does the irsend command not work in the attiny85 MCU?

not if it's connected to a pin that the code is not testing

Here is a copy of my circuit.

make sure the code specifies the correct pin on the attTiny

I don't see any current limiting resistors in series with the LEDs. Not a good thing.

According to the documentation, "PB1/Physical Pin 6" is the send pin for IR signal, As the PIN 3 is the pin on the Arduino Uno.

According to the documentation, "PB1/Physical Pin 6" is the send pin for IR signal, As the PIN 3 is the pin on the Arduino Uno.

But only a look into IRremote.h can verify that.

But only a look into IRremote.h can verify that.

That is coming from the IRremote documentation.

Hardware specifications

Board/CPU Send Pin Timers
ATtiny84 6 1
ATtiny85 1 TINY0
ATmega8 9 1
Atmega32u4 5, 9, 13 1, 3, 4
ATmega328 3, 9 1, 2

I also found this in the IRSend.cpp file.

#elif defined(AVR_ATtiny85)
#define IR_USE_TIMER_TINY0 // tx = pin 1

I can get the IR LED to light up and blink the light on the receiver, but it will only do it momentarily, and when the IR LED is connected to the Uno. I can see the IR LED pulsing. When it is connected to the Attiny85, It is steady, no pulsing.

I am by no means a 'Guru' on this matter, and the info you provided from 'IRsend' is scarce, but maybe, and i mean maybe. your use of the clk-pin for the LED is causing the issue. How about you change the 'ledPin' to 'PB3' ?

I'm not sure how this code works, but it is sending some kind of pulsed data to the receiver. As the LED on the receiver blinks continuously now instead of just one blink then nothing unless i release and re trigger the transmitter switch. Again i'm not sure how i'm going to use this as i don't really understand what the code is doing, but it seems to be sending continual data to the receiver, so i guess that's a start. I have posted the website below, Hopefully someone can help me figure out what the program is doing, so i know how to get it to work for my needs. I'm not a great programmer so any help is greatly appreciated.

I am happy for the progress, but really you should keep posting the code here.

How do i electronically short out a wire to ground? I believe the Transmitter circuit is doing what i want it to do. The problem i'm having now is in the receiver circuit. Currently I'm trying to do it with an Attiny85 and an TSOP4838. When the receiver sees a signal coming from the TSOP4838, Then send pin high else it is in a low state or when it sees signal send the pin low. I have tried it both ways. In reality all i'm trying to do is connect a signal wire that reads 5V to a ground wire and short out the signal wire, but everything i have tried doesn't work. The only way i got it to work is using an Arduino Uno, as i have stated earlier.

Below i made a diagram that, hopefully gives a better explanation of what I'm trying to do. The Probe pin is connected to 5V with a 220 Ohm resistor. So there is only two wires. Probe pin and ground. I need to have probe pin touch ground, when it sees a signal from the TSOP4838.

Probe Signal---------------------------->5V

|Probe Success when the Probe Pin is touched to Ground Pin