I'm building a crypto miner using a network of ATTINY85 chips connected to a Raspberry Pi as master. They talk to the RPi over I2C.
Is this going to work? Do I need to set each ATTINY85 to a specific address, or will it not matter?
I'm building a crypto miner using a network of ATTINY85 chips connected to a Raspberry Pi as master. They talk to the RPi over I2C.
Is this going to work? Do I need to set each ATTINY85 to a specific address, or will it not matter?
If they're going to share the I2C bus then they'll need individual addresses.
Given how big crypto miners are struggling right now I'd be surprised if it could cover its own cost. But I've been surprised before.
12 posts were split to a new topic: Mining DUCO with ATTINY85
I suppose the next question is, How many addresses are possible?
I might have up to 100 chips on the same I2C bus...
I'd take some time to study up on I2C then. You're going to need more knowledge than someone asking how many addresses are possible. What you want to do isn't trivial.
Discussion about Mining DUCO split at the request of the OP.
I can’t see this working , too slow and who is writing the software ?
Just go buy a bare bones fast PC or several …
I can answer on the split post
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