Hi there, bit stuck on a project I am working on
essentially its an attiny85 running 8 colour video signal in 48*48 resolution
I have got everything working just fine, using TIMER0_OVF_vect for all the video timing of Hsync and Vsync
I am also using TIMER0_COMPB_vect to give me the exact time to start rendering each line
the line is a bit jittery mainly cos there are other things executing and just a few clock cycles either way puts the picture out just a little.. jelly vision !!!
so what I was wondering...
can I put the attiny to sleep between TIMER0_OVF_vect and TIMER0_COMPB_vect ??
then when it wakes on the COMPB the line rendering should be spot on
Does anyone know anything about this ???
I am a bit new to sleep modes
Thanks, I think I might try this one, its a shame it doesnt work as well as intended as I thought I had really hit a good idea using timer0 for Vsync, Hsync and render start timings, I have seen others use a couple of timers, but I wanted to fit it into one