Guys, I'm making code for ATtiny85 using ATtinyCore Universal core and using SoftwareSerial.
When I configure SoftwareSerial this way it works
const int RX_PIN = 0;
const int TX_PIN = 2;
But when it's the other way around
const int RX_PIN = 2;
const int TX_PIN = 0;
What could be causing the code not to work?
Did you also swap the cables?
You may want to read this and the use of Serial.setTxBit(bit)
AttinyCore has a built in SoftwareSerial called Serial
Now I'm using the Serial from SoftwareSerial from ATtinyCore itself.
But I think the setTxBit() function is not working.
Does it work only in version 2.0 of Core?
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