attiny85 timer interrupt and fastled problem

I have a cool LED lamp with WS2811 addressable LEDs using a attiny85 microcontroller.
the sketch works fine on an uno r3 with the timerone.h library and the colors cycle properly. but on an attiny85 this is not the case. obviously the timerone library is not supported on the attiny because it has a 8 bit counter and not a 16 bit timer like the uno. I tried some methods of creating a timer interrupt for an attiny but once it's uploaded onto the board the colors don't cycle. i imagine its either because the interrupt is triggered every few microseconds or the way the timer and interrupt is set, it interferes with the data going to the LEDs. from my understanding the fastled library dissables interrupts to send data to the leds. however on the uno r3 with the timerone library even with the interrupt happening every 10 seconds the colors cycled normally.

could someone show me how to make a 10 second interrupt or a different way to change the color every 10 seconds that'd be awesome.

in the code ill make a note of the function which changes the color every so often. it uses a variable called colorstring which gets incremented by the timerinterrupt every 10 seconds which changes the color in the function called SetupBlackAndWhiteStripedPalette()

ATTINY85_LED_lamp_v3.ino (7.58 KB)

If it is something that you want to do say every 10 seconds, then you do not have to use a hardware timer (Timer1 etc.).
You can do something like this:

void loop() {
  . . .
  static unsigned long lastTimeRunAtMs = 0 ;  // initialised only once
  if (millis() - lastTimeRunAtMs > 10000UL ) {  // 10 seconds
     lastTimeRunAtMs = millis() ;
     // do something eg call a function, set a variable etc.
. . .

Delay statements in you code could interfere with this construct.