I am trying to make something that can emulate a keyboard.
And I came over google that the attiny85 can be used as a usb too.
If I wire my chip to a usb dongle like this, can I plug it in and emulate a keybard(of course, I would have to program it first.)
If you tried to upload a picture, it is just a question mark for me.
I recommend using DF Robot Beetle or CJMCU Beetle to emulate a keyboard. It is a small Leonardo and would not require V-USB.
Sounds interesting. What is exactly emulate a keyboard and what app can use with it. Can you list apps which are used with a keyboard emulator.
I don't have a list, just a couple of examples. The last time I used it, I had a web app where I needed to uncheck hundreds of checkboxes on separate lines, and then submit, in order to remove the devices from a list. I started out doing it manually and it became tedious within 15 or 20 minutes. I wrote a sketch that would type tab, wait a half second, then type a space, wait half second, and repeat endlessly. I then placed the cursor at the beginning of the list and plugged in the Arduino and let it do its thing while I got a cup of coffee.
The time before that I wrote a sketch that would occasionally move the mouse cursor a little bit, then return the mouse back to the same position, and repeat after some time, to keep the computer awake.
When you write Leonardo sketches that manipulate the keyboard or mouse, it is a good idea to put a delay in the setup section of the sketch, such as delay(5000), because it makes it easier to upload the next sketch on the Leonardo if it is not doing things keyboard or mouse related the instant it is plugged in.
I refer to boards that have ATmega32U4 as Leonardos or Leonardo-type boards. Those include Leonardo, Pro Micro, Micro, DF Robot Beetle, LilyPad USB, and many others I'm sure.
Great! A useful app. Thanks for sharing, dmjlambert.
Trinket and Trinket Pro, and Digispark can all do keyboard emulation. Or, build your own: