Hi friends. is it possible to wake up attiny85 when the switch disconnect between VCC and wakeup pin ?
Hi friends. is it possible to wake up attiny85 when the switch disconnect between VCC and wakeup pin ?
Sure, youd need a pulldown on the pin, and just wake it with a pin change interrupt.
Sure, youd need a pulldown on the pin, and just wake it with a pin change interrupt.
thanks for reply. can you help me how can I do it ?
Uhm, it's going to be hard to be any more precise... He pretty much told you everything about the connections...
If you mean the code then it's time to show us what you tried. We do expect you to have experience with putting the ATTiny to sleep when you ask a specific question like this. If not, it's time to explain the real problem instead of the XY-problem before we go deeper down this rabbit hole...
Uhm, it's going to be hard to be any more precise... He pretty much told you everything about the connections...If you mean the code then it's time to show us what you tried. We do expect you to have experience with putting the ATTiny to sleep when you ask a specific question like this. If not, it's time to explain the real problem instead of the XY-problem before we go deeper down this rabbit hole...
I need when the reed switch is open waking up the ATTINY85. for now I success do it when the reed switch is close.
here my sketch:
the reed switch is attached to pin PB3 of the ATTINY85.
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#define FLASH_TIME 30000ul
#define TOGGLE_ONTIME 200ul
#define TOGGLE_OFFTIME 5000ul
const byte pinLED = 4;
const byte pinSwitch = 3;
bool bLEDIsFlashing, bLEDState;
unsigned long timeLED;
byte ucSwitch, ucLastSwitch;
void setup()
pinMode( pinSwitch, INPUT );
ucLastSwitch = digitalRead( pinSwitch );
pinMode( pinLED, OUTPUT );
bLEDIsFlashing = false;
bLEDState = false;
void loop()
if ( bLEDIsFlashing )
if ( bLEDState == true )
digitalWrite( pinLED, HIGH );
digitalWrite( pinLED, LOW );
if ( (millis() - timeLED) >= FLASH_TIME )
ucLastSwitch = digitalRead( pinSwitch );
digitalWrite( pinLED, LOW );
bLEDIsFlashing = false;
ucSwitch = digitalRead( pinSwitch );
if ( ucSwitch != ucLastSwitch )
ucLastSwitch = ucSwitch;
if ( ucSwitch == LOW )
timeLED = millis();
bLEDIsFlashing = true;
void ToggleLEDState( void )
static unsigned long timeLED = TOGGLE_OFFTIME, timeLEDToggle = 0;
unsigned long timeNow;
timeNow = millis();
if ( (timeNow - timeLEDToggle) >= timeLED )
timeLEDToggle = timeNow;
if ( bLEDState )
bLEDState = false;
bLEDState = true;
void sleep() {
ISR(PCINT0_vect) {
Can anybody help me ?
It will wake on change. So, dont go to sleep unless the switch is closed (dont forget to debounce, I think when I did something similar I just checked the switch, and if it was closed, delay()'ed 50ms and checked again, then went to sleep if it was still closed.
It will wake on change. So, dont go to sleep unless the switch is closed (dont forget to debounce, I think when I did something similar I just checked the switch, and if it was closed, delay()'ed 50ms and checked again, then went to sleep if it was still closed.
thanks for reply. but when the switch is closed the ATTINY is using more power when in sleep mode. in open mode ATTINY only using 0.0001 uA and in close mode on sleep using 855 uA
What value did you use for the pulldown? My guess is around Vcc/0.000855
When switch is closed, its acting against the pulldown so there is constant current (for this reason, low power operations typically have the switch open when it will be sleeping). A higher value pulldown helps, of course, but it will always waste some power.
What value did you use for the pulldown? My guess is around Vcc/0.000855When switch is closed, its acting against the pulldown so there is constant current (for this reason, low power operations typically have the switch open when it will be sleeping). A higher value pulldown helps, of course, but it will always waste some power.
I'm using 4.7K resistor for pulldown.
So when the switch is closed you would expect ~1mA of current to flow, by ohms law...