Hello, I am using popular IMU sensors such as MPU6050, MPU6050+HMC5883L, ITG3205+ADXL345, etc
And I also use general open source code between Arduino and the sensors.
In the code, I understand that
Roll and pitch angle are calculated by trigonometric function with accX, accY, and accZ.
Since then, Complimentary filter, Kalman filter, and some other filters are used with acceleration data and gyro data for more exact estimation.
However, I find that if there are some big acceleration in moving object, then roll and pitch angle have some offset or inexact values.
(Of course, If without big acceleration, roll and pitch are generally accurate.)
Is it difficult or impossible to predict attitude values in the presence of acceleration more than certain value using the sensors or Am I misunderstanding?
May I ask for your advice?
Thank you.