Audio control of neopixel

I didn't find any help from the search, so sorry if this topic has been asked before.
How do you interface a DFplayer to an Arduino to get one neopixel to blink In time with the audio output signal?

I am working on an animatronic robot model and wanted the mouth neopixel to blink in time with the spoken words.

thank you

Could you monitor the busy pin. That pin is LOW while the player is playing.

would that blink the neopixel with the spoken word?

Look up "arduino sound reactive LED" - you will need to adjust the threshold for voice.

Maybe this will get you started:

The World's Simplest Lighting Effect

(I actually call it a "flicker effect".)

It is LOW as long as the file is playing so, no, i do not think so. Easy enough to find out.

You could do a random flash while playing or put a set of times in an g to match "lip motion". Use the busy signal to control the mouth in whstevr way fits the bot.

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