Before i start my project, have a few questions about it, because i know that the controlling of the Adafruit 32x32 RGB LED Matrix alone is taking up resources of the Arduino, running a FFT-analysis meanwhile is not a possability, as i want to maintain the 'Update Rate' pretty high, so the movement of my 'band-bars' looks more fluently. In addition, i want to make a color indicator, that changes the color of a band, depending on it's value.
Currently i only have an Arduino Uno R3, so i wanted to ask, if it would make sense to buy another one, so i have 2 different Arduinos, processing different things: One should only process the FFT, outputing the result to the other one, which is only driving the Matrix and color indicator(At this point i don´t know yet, how to hand the data for 32 bands from one to another; i haven´t made that much experience with Audio(-bands) yet).
But I already know, that there are libraries for the FFT and Matrix and i know how an FFT works.
I know that this is a bigger project for someone who´s still learning stuff about Arduino, but it´s necessary for a school presentation i´m working on.
I highly appreciate help of any kind and i´m sorry if my language is not the best.
Greets, xKiba