Aukey Battery pack as power source?

Hi there,

Have any of you tried to use this or something similar to power an Arduino Nano?

I've searched online and found some people saying it's do-able but I have a few questions...

Does the auto shut off to stop power when phone is charged stop me from using this given that the Nano should only be pulling under 10 mA?

Is there a difference between plugging it in directly to the nano via usb or pugging into the Vin and Ground pins (does it bypass the voltage regulator)?

I'm trying to get the nano to work for over three months, can you see any reason why that wouldn't be possible with this battery, if i can get the power usage down far enough?

Thanks very much in advance,

AFAIK chargers like that have a boost converter inside to convert the ~3.7volt from the internal LiPo battery to a constant 5volt on the USB socket.
Chargers like this could have a "load detector" that turns the boost converter off below a certain load current.
Not sure if, and how much load is needed.
Maybe better to use an 8Mhz Arduino, and power it directly from a single LiPo battery.
Nick Gammon (administrator here) has good info for low power projects.


Thanks! I'll have a look.