Australian source for ISP header cable

Does anyone have a link to an australian supplier of 6pin to 6pin ISP header cable for the Ard ?
Dammed if I can locate one and I don't want to build it, just want to buy a couple.

Try, they have all kinds of stuff.

Thanks, I did that.

Just buy the cable and header and make your own. I'm sure the likes of Jaycar will have them.


I just checked, looks like they don't go down to 6-way for the connectors. Cable doesn't matter, you just split it down to the size you want.


Rob, I costed everything with postage. In the end I bought some untethered-end ribbon cable with push on connectors for the headers off ebay. I'm really surprised that none of the Australian arduino dealers are selling this jumper cable. Guess not many experimenters are using the ISP headers.

Yeah you would think they would at least sell the cable and header so you can make you're own.


Wow, those are difficult to find! carries them, took a while to find

Don't know if that helps in Australia ...

Wow, those are difficult to find!

Yeah, looks like the Freaks have trouble finding them as well

Found one at element14

They are in Oz and used to be free shipping. I guess you're sorted now but I've posted the link for future reference.


Does anyone have a link to an australian supplier of 6pin to 6pin ISP header cable for the Ard ?
Dammed if I can locate one and I don't want to build it, just want to buy a couple.

HUH ?? I'm sure they did'nt have those when I started looking !

Same here, I looked at Littlebird as well and couldn't see them. Have to get some new glasses.
