I'm using so many passwords on the internet that I could use a little helper So I googled and found this project on instructables: https://www.instructables.com/id/Keyboard-InjectionAuto-Type-Your-Password-With-One/.
I decided to use the exact same script and the same setup, but with an Arduino Leonardo.
So I uploaded the script to my Leonardo and it started 'typing' the passwords constantly without even pressing a button ... like this:
m05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa etc..
I dunno why it is doing this though.. :o
Later I decided to test the board without buttons and resistors and it still outputted both passwords constantly.
What am I doing wrong here?