Auto typer types too much

I'm using so many passwords on the internet that I could use a little helper :smiley: So I googled and found this project on instructables:

I decided to use the exact same script and the same setup, but with an Arduino Leonardo.

So I uploaded the script to my Leonardo and it started 'typing' the passwords constantly without even pressing a button ... like this:
m05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWam05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa5eConDm05Ts3cUR3Pa55W0rDewWa etc..

I dunno why it is doing this though.. :o
Later I decided to test the board without buttons and resistors and it still outputted both passwords constantly.

What am I doing wrong here?

What am I doing wrong here?

Most likely, your wiring, your code or your components are wrong.

Please read and follow the instructions in the "How to use this forum" post.

One of those external pull-up resistors goes to 3.3V which is going to be marginal as a Vih (voltage, input-high) for a digital input on a 5V Arduino.

Better to ditch the external pullups and change the pinMode() for each pin to INPUT_PULLUP.

What am I doing wrong here?

Following an "instructable". :astonished:

They have a very poor reputation here.

Surely! Have you not heard of "lastpass"?