Automated Appointment Reminder

Is it possible to setup and automated appointment reminder on Arduino, if so what types of sensors wold I need to use????

An appointment sensor? :slight_smile:

An appointment sensor? :slight_smile:

Pretty funny.

First, you need a clock. You can buy little 8-pin DIP's which interface to the Arduino usually though a I2C interface -- 2 wires, A4 and A5 on a standard Arduino. You can write Arduino code to set the time in the clock. Many, but not all, clocks (real time clock, or rtc) have a capability for you set an alarm, and at the alarm time, the rtc will send a pulse out, which you can input to an interrupt line on the arduino, and trigger it to beep at you, display something, whatever.

You can also build a clock from an internal timer, which with tweaking can be accurate to 1 sec./ day or better.

Of course, you also need a data entry interface to the arduino, like the Processing language, to input event names and times. And as each event passes, your software should find the next event in the timeline and set the alarm for it. All in all, its not too terrible a project, and if you break it down into subtasks, you might get through it. I have just such a circuit rigged to remind me to feed my fish.

Is it possible to setup and automated appointment reminder on Arduino, if so what types of sensors wold I need to use????

If the meeting date/time is fixed by absolute values for day, month, year, hour, minute, second, you will need a realtime clock module (RTC).

And if the meeting date/time is fixed by relative time lues like (in 10 minutes from now, or in 3 hours and 45 minutes from now on, then you need to have an accurate 16 MHZ clocking with your Arduino board (crystal oscillator instead of ceramic resonator for 16 MHz clock generation onboard hardware).