Automatic toilet cleaner

Hi brilliant people,

I've hesitated multiple times to write this because I am nothing in the Arduino but I need your help guys to be on track and find a way to do this project.

I am working on designing an automatic cleaner, all I've reached after mere brainstorming is that I'll need to have two types of motion, rotating arm that will include a timing belt with a step motor for moving a cleaner -I haven't decided yet what it will be- along that arm, and I need another motor servo or step motor to rotate this arm so that with the rotation and motion along the arm, the cleaner can manage to circulate the toilet.

I know that it is a very silly and trivial way of thinking but the point here is that I don't know how to start the work, what I should learn, what is GRBL and how it can help me. I know I am asking for a lot but anyone can guide me even with a little, I'll be thankful

A diagram of the machine that you have in mind would be a big help.

I suspect a pair of simple DC motors would be sufficient.


Are you designing this for one particular model of one particular manufacturer?
