Automatic TV Ambilight

Planning a basic light strip build. I want the lights to come on when I turn the TV on. USB ports on the TV don't have enough power so, I've been looking for an alternative way to automate it. Initially was consider something with an Arduino, but then I stumbled across the usb switch module on Pi Hut. Plan is to use the 5v output from the usb port on the TV to activate this switch.

The lights are 5-6w per meter, and I'll be using about 3m. So on full brightness they will draw max 18w. Max for the switch modul is 12.5w.

Any idea if there are higher power alternatives? Or any other suggestions?

A simple 5v Relay Module would do it.

What are you using as the power source for the LED strip?

Thanks, they look much more capable. I see there are delay timer relay modules too, which I could use to keep the lights on for a minute or 2 after turning the TV off.

Not looked at that yet. Probably a little 5v 5a power brick. Like this, 30W DC5V 6A Power Adapter AC to DC Transformer Converter

I'll make a little 3d printed case for the relay.

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