Autonomous Mower

I am working on autonomous mower with ultrasonic sensor with servo, Arduino Uno with sensor shield V5, Motor driver module L298N, fork light barrier, NodeMCU, 2DC motors, ESP32 with camera (probably) , 4 AA baterries, a display to show baterry status.

I am worried about size of the code i will need, as there is not enough space in UNO board

Some questions/ideas

  1. Can i program NodeMCU independent of arduino to show the battery status on disply to manage some

  2. is the ESP 32 with camera possible with just 4AA batteries. or are they(actuators) too many ?

  3. Are is there any other suggestions to save the space on arduino board?

What are you talking about?

I am worried about size of the code i will need, as there is not enough space in UNO board

Have you written any code yet?

What sort of mower runs on AA batteries?

And I would be concerned that the ultra-sonic noise created by the cutting action would mask anything from your sensor.
