I've got my hands on an Opta and i'd love to control some pwm outputs for my project.
I need the combination of a few heavy outputs like the one on the Opta but also want to control some heavier motor controllers wich need some pwm input.
Eagerly awaiting this announcement! Can we confirm if they will be available by the end of the year? I'd like to spec the Opta for an installation, thanks!
As mentioned above, analog input 4..20mA would be great, as this is common in PLC environments. Analog outputs and digital outputs would add more capabilities for projects as well!
according to information received in a phone call with finder support, (at least) the analog module will be available on the market on january 2024
last update received this week fo Analog expansion.
-release date shifted to end of march
-the module will allow 12 or 24v connection (previously was present only the 24v)
-I have no update about the limitation to ONLY 2 PT100/1000
Hello everyone! Seeing so much silence from Arduino & Finder on this product is a bit strange. I have my project on hold waiting for the expansion modules. I am worried there might be a chance for these products to be canceled. It's already one year since the initial announcement. ...