Availability of radiation hardened Arduino?

Hello all:

Apoligies if my first question has already been answered. If one wanted to use Arduino products in space, they would have to be radiation hardened as well as able to work within cryogenic temperatures. There are also other issues, such as wide temperature variations, extreme vibrations, and so forth.

Are radiation hardened Arduino products available?



There is a satellite in orbit right now that has payload running Arduino code.

here is the article that came out a while ago.. Projects – Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers

you could ask them how they did it..


Interesting, but it appears to be non-op right now...?



Just because it is in space doesn't mean it is a radiation hardened part. In low orbits like this one radiation hardening is much less important because there is still a degree of protection from the Van Alan belts.

The first uosat satellite got cheap solar panels because they weren't qualified for space. The second satellite they had to pay a lot more for the solar panels because they have qualified the part by using it in the first satellite!

The AVR chips have very large cells, to my knowledge mega16 etc. are still produced with a 350nm process. State of the art is 35 nm, which means they are 100 times less susceptable to typical "space problems".

t appears to be non-op right now...?

IIRC, it was flying on primary cells, so once those were consumed, it's junk.
