Avoid line wrap in i2c SSD1306

I'm trying to make a scrollable text in a SSD1306, because my display is small.

Auto scroll is not usable for my scope because I would need a virtual bigger display but i read that pixels are directly mapped to a ram in the driver.

I tried to implement it using setCursor and for cycles but I can't reach my goal because print and println have an automatic line wrap when the cursor reach the end of the line.

My goal is that when I use

display.print(F("This is a very long sentence in a small screen"));

I only see
"This is a ve"

and not
"This is a ve
ry long sen
tence in a
small screen"

Is it possible?

From Adafruit_GFX.h

  @brief  Set whether text that is too long for the screen width should
          automatically wrap around to the next line (else clip right).
  @param  w  true for wrapping, false for clipping
  void setTextWrap(bool w) { wrap = w; }

Untested on a SSD1306.

You would normally try to get whole words onto a line. i.e. you don't want to break half-way through a word.

Seriously. You would choose the best short words for a tiny display. Or choose a bigger display in the first place.


If that is your goal then don't print the whole string at once. Instead, print it one character at a time. This will give you control as to how many characters you print allowing you to stop at any time you want

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