AVR board design ---- using eagle cadsoft 5.8

Hello Sir,

I am trying to design my own board using eagle cadsoft i am new to eagle cadsoft, for that i have aranged most of the library, but i need the eagle library for DB9 male connector which can fit on my board.

My board is totally DIL- DIP based ic.

Can anyone of you can share library for it ?

Kind regards,


Doesn't the sparkfun or adafruit library contain this?

Look in the con-subd library that comes with eagle. Should be "M09x" (most serial designs have put a female db9 on the board, BTW.) See the single-sided serial PCB designs that are published on the hardware page.

Thanks sir for the reply,

Now i got the exact part i refered :---

I will be using M09H mor male db9 connector.

Also can you suggest me which eagle part to use for :----

LED :--

Capacitor brown one:-----

Also for 3v disc type battery holder for ds1307 :---

4mhz & 32.678 khz crystal :---


power jack as used in :---

As per the eagle file it is ---- DC 2.1mm Jack
but i am not able to find exact in eagle lib.

button for reset i am using same as :---

Is it ok ?

LM35dz temp sensor :---

which lib to use ?

Please if you can suggest some libraries for my above query, it will help me to standarised my code ?



I found most of the component.

My design is DIP based.

can you suggest lib for lm35dz temprature sensor plastic pack one

For LCD trimmer can i use this sparkfun lib comp , is standard one :


Also can i use same type of trimmer to connect to my ADC.

What should be the ideal value & size of trim pot should i use at ADC pin & for my LCD

Please suggest

