AVR Fuse Repair Programmer

Has anyone tried this fuse repair?


Looks neat - if it really works.

Thanks, Ken H>

I haven't used that one... but I have used this Arduino-based AVR High Voltage Programmer | MightyOhm

It is based on the Arduino. As long as you have a working Arduino you can fix any chip. I bricked an Atmega2560 and had the fuses fixed in no time. Just had to change the code to reflect the fuse bits I wanted.

Also I did no use the resistors. I just wired it directly and had no problem.

Yep, I have used the Mightohm one also - I ordered his PCB and built it up - it does the m168 and t2313 chips. I have used it on a m168, but not the t2313. I have one I etched the board that does the t45/t85 chips and have done several of those chips.

I was impressed with the one I linked to because it does so many different chips - but at $35 it's sorta pricey.

Just wondering if it really works as advertised.

Ken H.