I would like to be able to connect my AVR chips to computer directly without anything between. For example I have a few Digisparks and I would like to make a programmer from one of them (currently I am using Uno if I need program a standalone chip). The problem is I know no way to communicate with them reliably. I have Windows 10 and while I can program the Digispark directly from Arduino IDE I am not able to use DigiCDC to make Serial connection to my computer (in worked on Windows XP but not under Win 10). So I looked at V-USB and read a lot about it and it looks like there is no reliable way to make the AVR behave like serial device. Only "sure" way to make it communicate is to pretend it is a HID and then communicate with it as a HID but it looks too complicated. Moreover I have limited experience with programming for Windows - I was programming in Pascal years ago and now I looked at Processing so I am a bit scared with such low level stuff.
So my questions are - if Digisparks are able to communicate with Arduino while selfprogramming can I use the same software to communicate with other programs - Atmel Studio, Processing etc.? Or the selfprogramming works in some other way than via software serial port?
I have thought about "workaround" - possibly I could use Arduino Uno's USB to Serial converter. If I keep the main chip on Uno in reset will I be able to use pins 0 and 1 for communication with standalone chip or will the converter be in reset too?
I would like to be able to connect my AVR chips to computer directly without anything between.
Why, or more generally, what are you trying to avoid? I think if you explain what you want to achieve it will be easier to help.
My sense of things is that a PC communicates over a USB connection that operates at 400+ MHz and an Arduino operates at 16MHz. I can't see how you can bridge those speeds without some special hardware.
Why, or more generally, what are you trying to avoid? I think if you explain what you want to achieve it will be easier to help.
My sense of things is that a PC communicates over a USB connection that operates at 400+ MHz and an Arduino operates at 16MHz. I can't see how you can bridge those speeds without some special hardware.
Look at the linked V-USB, it is possible to interface AVR to USB directly under specs of low speed USB 1.1 device or something like that.
I want to be able directly communicate from computer to a chip. For example I would like to use a Digispark a ISP programmer. Currently when I want to program a standalone chip I upload ArduinoISP to Arduino. If I want do something else with the Arduino I need to reflash it. But in many projects it would be nice to have a way to send collected data/change settings directly via USB cable instead of need to upload communication program to Arduino to use it as a bridge.