AVRDUDE install location

Can anyone help me to find where the Arduino install puts AVRDUDE? I want to access avrdude from command prompt but cannot seem to find it.

Do this:

  • File > Preferences > Show verbose output during: > compilation (uncheck) > upload (check) > OK
  • Sketch > Upload
  • After the upload finishes/fails (doesn't matter which), scroll up the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window until you find the avrdude command the Arduino IDE generated for the upload. That will show the location and also provides a reference command you can adapt to your needs.
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See also install-avr-tools | Hackaday.io

I am the first time here, because I looked for a possibility to use other compilers for the arduino.

(I am working with the mikroE Pascal Compiler and have to develop a sensor and use the adruino as a development board.)

The chalange was to bring a compiled HEX-file to the system via USB.

Thanks to pert for showing a short and clear way, how it works.

I brought the wholw stuff into a batch-file.

The main problem was, that my avrdude is installed in c:\program files (86) and the batch processor does not work with that.

In the end I copyed all necessary stuff together in one folder and it is working fine.

If beeing sucessfull with PASCAL I might open a new thread,