avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

I am new to arduino. My first attempt to write a sketch to my Arduino Nano ver3.0. I would get the avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 error message. I went through checking com port settings ect.
Here is what I discovered.

Here is what I did with the arduino connected.

I opened Windows Device Manager.
Then went down to Universal Serial Bus Controller
Next I opened Universal Serial Controller.
I update the driver to the ftdiBus found in the arduino driver folder

then I went up to Ports and opened the com port connected to the arduino.

Mark Crosbie
I update the driver to the ftdiPort found in the arduino driver folder

Now Arduino IDE can see and write to my arduino.

I hope that this helps some one else that may be struggling with this same problem.

It also can be caused by bad cable. If you got the cable or the board off eBay, some are so poorly made it just doesn't work at all. Always try with a known good cable before looking into driver issue.