hello sorry for my english i m french.
so my problem is that , yersterday i uploaded the new version of ide so (arduino 1.7.11)
and then when i want to televerser a program to my arduino uno ,i have an error ,:"
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x62 != 0x0c
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
so i try to reinstall the ide and the problem is the same , i don't understand what i can do . I try to install arduino on other computer but the problem is the same . I think my driver is not ok . i chek the com .
my computer is on windows 7 , 64 bits .
You downloaded the ".org IDE" version which has higher version numbers.
This forum is a .cc branch and thus I strongly recommend to
save your personal sketches first
de-install all remaining Arduino IDE from your computer (clean it up to remove all fragments) and then
download the latest ".cc IDE" (v1.6.12) which is better than all of the 1.7.x .org versions.
In the near future this confusion will hopefully be cleaned up as the former split of Arduino/Genuino/.org/.cc ... will be merged again and then we will see only one official IDE stream again.
Here is the download link to the latest ".cc IDE":
Not always go with the highest version numbers - in this case it is a real trap if you don't pay attention where you download what.
hello , thank you for your answer , i do what you say , so i uploated the arduino version (1.6.12) but the probem is always presents when i televerse th program to arduino the message of error is that :
What Arduino do you use?
This error might have something to do with autoreset; so if you have a Leonardo, before you can upload a sketch you have to press the reset button first and just after that click on the button in the IDE to upload the sketch.
It seems to be a strange error which can be caused by different problems; so remotely nobody can tell you what exactly will make it work, at least I am not in the position to give you a precise recipe to cure your patient.
my arduino is an arduino uno , i buy it in a starter kit . i try the auto reset but the problem is the same .
if i change my arduino you think the problem is alway present ?
do you think the after sale service of arduino can exchange my arduino uno ?
Normally the problem is not with the original UNO itself.
So it has something to do with your PC/laptop and the communication with the Arduino.
Unfortunately your error message has been reported a lot times here in the forum and apparently this can have several causes as you can read (see my previous reply #5 and the referred link).
So I have to put some more questions to get closer to the cause:
Pls tell us what Operating system you are on (I suspect Windows 7, 8.1, 10?)
Did you de-install the 1.7x IDE completely (without leaving remaining stuff on the PC)?
Having the UNO NOT ATTACHED - when you open device manager and THEN PLUG in the Uno USB cable - does the device manager detect a new device and, if so, can you see what COM port is assigned to the new device (should be detected as Arduino ..)?
If your PC/laptop has successfully detected the Arduino and assigned a COM port - did you select the right Arduino type and COM-port in the IDE?
An additional information which I found by searching for your error message:
Some people say, you need to re-install the bootloader (but for that you need a second working Arduino plus a ISP connection cable).
Another source is also interesting and maybe this can help you get it working:
I am not sure that this will help... But the symptoms below have a interesting origin.
"avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000 0x0c != 0x00
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch"
What is frequently happening is that the upload didn't work at all (for various reasons) and the subsequent verification fails. The way AVRDUDE works is that it does all of the upload work first, and then does the verification second. The upload process doesn't appear to have any checks built-in. If every part of the upload fails, you won't know anything about it at this stage. Of course, the verification will fail. If the new upload is only slightly different than the old upload the first mismatch can be far into the flash (not at offset 0x0000).
Why can upload fail? Many reasons of course. I have had good results using the 'Arduino as ISP' approach to uploading sketches. This approach does not use the bootloader at all. That's important when you can't trust the bootloader. Note that you MUST use the 'Upload Using Programmer' command from the file menu and not the normal upload button.
Read the last 4 sentences very carefully and give that a try - provided your Arduino has been successfully detected by your PC and you have selected the right (assigned) COM port and selected the right Arduino type in the IDE first.
my computer is on window 7 but i have possibiliti to have an another with window 8.1
yes i have de-install arduino 1.7.11 but i'm not shure everything is remove , how i can see that ?
when i connect my arduino un at my computer a window is openning which say , arduini uno com3 is detected .
in the ide i choose the arduino/genuino uno and and the com 3 which is recognize .
for use arduino as isp it's necessary to have two arduino isn't it ?