So did you accidentally stumble on this as you've claimed or is it the fact that you're personal friends with the project owner that lead you to this project?
Just curious. Because the latter would be pretty amazing.
Oh, I dont think it is that bad. Searching for LED and Arduino could have given a Google hit. Admittedly far too many projects on Kickstarter have become a thinly veiled "introduction offer - % off" promotion, but not all is evil/boring.
Personally, and back to the OP question - IMHO: a very useless project. "blinkly LEDS, now on a pair of glasses. " - wow(?). Yeah you can learn to program - many other kits do that. A well, matter of taste what motivates you.
Hi all
I am new to Arduino and Bitlash I want to know in Bitlash we can create a function array as a parameter like checkStatus(port[])
if any one know about this please give me your suggestion
Thank you
Hi all
I am new to Arduino and Bitlash I want to know in Bitlash we can create a function array as a parameter like checkStatus(port[])
if any one know about this please give me your suggestion
Thank you
A function array as a parameter would be (**foo)(), but this is almost certainly not what you meant.