Awkward #define problem with port names

Yesterday I realized I was getting trouble using digital ports related code, eg: leds not flashing, interruptions not being active...

I wrote this small piece of code to find out what happened:

#define PH3 6
#define PH4 7
#define TEST 156

void setup()
  Serial.print("PH3: ");
  Serial.print("PH4: ");
  Serial.print("TEST: ");

void loop()

which leads to this output:

PH3: 3
PH4: 4
TEST: 156

As you see, my #define lines with port names (PH3 and PH4) have wrong values, meaning they are also defined somewhere! However, if I write de the #define lines inside setup() function, it works properly...

My greatest worry is that it started to happen from a moment to another... I am using an ATMEGA 2560 MCU and didn't change any core library...

Can you help me?

Many thanks in advance.

Nope, no problem here with IDE 1.0 and Duemilanove (hint).

Thank you...

I tried also with Arduino 1.0 (I have 1.0 and 0023 installed) but the problem maintains. Maybe the two versions are sharing libraries...

A larger board, with a PORTH, perhaps?

I have a custom board. PH3 and PH4 were only an example. I have problems with any #define with a port name...

They are already defined.

#if defined(PH0)
#  define PORTH0 PH0
#if defined(PH1)
#  define PORTH1 PH1
#if defined(PH2)
#  define PORTH2 PH2
#if defined(PH3)
#  define PORTH3 PH3
#if defined(PH4)
#  define PORTH4 PH4
#if defined(PH5)
#  define PORTH5 PH5
#if defined(PH6)
#  define PORTH6 PH6
#if defined(PH7)
#  define PORTH7 PH7

Use something else instead of PH* unless you want to use the real port numbers.

Thank you!

Which file is that? Maybe the compiler changed the order of libraries compilation or something... I hadn't this problem two days ago...
