bacnet ?

I'm sure its been asked before and sorry if it has - I have tried the search but either this pc or the web isnt playing nice !

I work in a HVAC company and I have recently learned about Bacnet and a few others. (Wacnet and so on)

I'd like to control a Bacnet device (like a fan coil unit - cant say air conditioner) with a mobile device.

While trying sample projects to get LED's and buzzers to work via a stand alone Uno R3 with wifi shield is relativily easy I'm wondering if anyone has tried a full on Bacnet Stack ?

The code I'd write is fairly straight forward as it only needs to turn the temperature up and down and the unit off. These points are already mapped in Bacnet.

Here is where I need a few pointers.

  1. Is it viable ?
  2. If it is - an Uno R3 + wifi + ethernet the best way or a Yun board ?
  3. Has anyone done or attempted this (I have seen one already piggy backing an existing IR setup, this wont work for my project).
  4. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Incase anyone is interested :

So for example AV1 (which is analog value) could be the temperature value, the controller its on could be 123456 so I'd like to map 123465.AV1 to a value of 22 (being room temp)

And BV1 (binary value) could be the unit run signal it has a boolean on/off so 123456.BV1 = 0 and so on..

Thank you for reading or helping or any suggestions, I'm pretty sure it can be done but I'm very very new to Arduino.

I have tried the search but either this pc or the web isnt playing nice !

"Not playing nice" as in "can't find an answer to my exact question" or "can't find any general information about BACnet and Arduino"?

I know the what you're thinking of, trust me if I could search on google or a major search engine it'd be fantastic.

But in answer to your question:

Its as in im at work and the restrictions are severe, currently Google, MSN, Yahoo, BBC basically main search engines are all disabled via dns.

Webpage popups are blocked which isnt a bad thing in some cases.

Any site that has certain scripts and/or buttons can be disabled.

Certain sites obviously gambling and adult, but ebay, amazon, msn, media sites, like youtube and anything that has a stream on it are blocked.

Its all in the air as the company was only just bought out and their network "techs" are still messing with the network in a "Corporate manner".

I only managed to get onto this site as I went to my email and copied and pasted the website name in.

A prime example - they thought it would be a good idea to introduce a packet sniffer to detect malicious packets. The software decided all packets were nasty and you can imagine what happened. Juniper or Barricuda wasn't good enough?

So trying to search and find stuff can be hindered a little at the moment..

But it would be nice if someone here had knowledge of Bacnet and Arduino.

Its as in im at work and the restrictions are severe, currently Google, MSN, Yahoo, BBC basically main search engines are all disabled via dns.

So do the searching at home. Don't expect others to use Google on your behalf.


So do the searching at home. Don't expect others to use Google on your behalf.


I didnt expect anyone to Google anything for me, but then I didnt expect trolls on a genuine Arduino site either..

IF you had read my 4 valid questions rather than trying jump on the negative band wagon you may have been able to help. I doubt you even read the rest of the thread?

Instead of adding negative non-constructive comments I would have hope for someone with first hand knowledge to help, someone like you with 1500 karma points surely can see that ?

I already stated I had found a project similar but could not use it I have been searching the net and the remark was made prior to my post this morning it was in case anyone said have you seen this/or linked to another recent thread. In fact I found a couple where people had taken apart existing hardware and wired in or attached kit to do a similar process.

But obviously you didnt read that ? See my point 3 below ? Especially the bit where I say this wont work for my project. Kind of means I found similar projects.

I'd like to use an ethernet shield direct to a FCU (fan coil unit) while having the Ardunio be a wifi controller for a mobile device.

So I'll ask again:

  1. Is it viable ?
  2. If it is - an Uno R3 + wifi + ethernet the best way or a Yun board ? (or any other suggestion)
  3. Has anyone done or attempted this (I have seen one already piggy backing an existing IR setup, this wont work for my project).
  4. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully someone who has attempted a Bacnet stack with directly mapped points will be able to help or send me a message.

Thank you to anyone who can help - to others that cant, dont just post negative comments.