Ballistic chrono storing results?

Hello all,

just successfully constructed a chronometer for an airgun. Pellet passes two Infra Red sensors to calculate the velocity and the pellet weight can be entered at the beginning of the program....that all works so far....

I would like to store (say) 5 of the resulting readings of speed (fps) and energy (ft/Lbs) and display all on the LCD( after the 5 shot sting) to save writing them down when first displayed. The EEPROM is already used to store the pellet weight.

Any clues would be useful!



Are you saying you've used all the EEPROM?

I shouldn't think so, it only retains the entered weight eg 8.44 grains at the start of the program.

So what's the problem?

The problem is I don't know how to do it!
I'm new to Arduino and have got this far by cobbling bits of other programs together to achieve what I need.

Check out the library page.