Hello, I made this robot called BASIC BOT because it is a BASIC interpreter based on Atmega328P (arduino core) , GLC for output and keyboard for input commands. I used tiny basic (Arduino: Michael Field, 68k: Gordon Brandly).
I aimed this project to be eduactional, it's a toy for children who want to learn stuff about programming and it is iinteractive because the output is not just some strings on a screen, it may be a led or a wheel command.
For more information about tiny basic on arduino go to http://ec2-122-248-210-243.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com/mediawiki/index.php/Arduino_Basic.
This robot is easy to program because you don't need a laptop or a PC and deal with IDE's, instead you just need a keyboard (ps2 connector or usb with adapter).
Atmega328P (with arduino)
PS2 keyboard connector
2x DC motor
6x AA batteries
BASIC BOT Example 1: Arduino BASIC Computer on wheels - YouTube
BASIC BOT Example 2: Arduino BASIC Computer on wheels part 2 - YouTube
Any question and suggestion is welcome.
PS: If you can recommend any camara holder for doing videos I'll be gratefull.