Basic Electronics Question - But Help Appreciated.

I know I need to go review my electronics basics here but I just wanted to check that this circuit isn't going to kill the phototransistor while I play with it for a little longer.

I've built this just to test receiving an infrared signal. The code reads the input of analog pin 2 once in setup() and then again every loop(). If the recorded value in loop() is less than 90% of the setup() value then it lights the LED on the Arduino 2009 to show infrared is being received.

10K resister -----------> Analog Pin 2
IR Phototransistor

Circuit and code works fine (values around the 500 range) - but I'm a bit concerned that maybe my ignorance about voltage/current dividers means I haven't protected the phototransistor properly???

I was hoping someone wouldn't mind humouring me and confirming or denying my worry.

Eight i would have done it like this, using a digital pin instead of analog, these no guesswork then, input will either be high or low, the 300 ohm resistor is optional it will serve to protect the digital input, maybe someone else can confirm my curcuit, most purpose IR recievers output TTL level voltages

| |
| | 4.7k
| | 300
| ___
+---------___----> arduino digital pin
Photo transistor

take a look here

That's great - cheers guys.

Think I'm going to make an automated turret so I have someone to play Photon with. :smiley: